Podcast #10 Out Now!

NPN Arabella joins Remo and Bruce to converse about the divine feminine and its archetypal network. They talk about the historical removal of the goddess from mythology and the worldview, as well as the intrinsic power of the feminine in creating and birthing life.

These New Paradigm Navigators explore the idea of matriarchy as not about women dominating men, but about revering, respecting, and protecting the feminine power and vulnerability. The discussion emphasizes the unique power and vulnerability of women and the need to reconfigure power dynamics to honor and protect the sacred feminine energy. They discuss embracing both feminine and masculine energies within individuals, regardless of gender, and how men can benefit from embracing their inner feminine qualities to lead effectively. They highlight the concept of matriarchy and the need for men to listen better to women and nature, emphasizing cooperation and respect between genders. The conversation touches on the exploitation of nature by historically masculine mindsets and the potential for a shift towards a more balanced and harmonious society.

Our society seems to have a hard time discussing the feminine, like a jungle tribe with no words for snow. Language in this space is inherently difficult because the themes are deliberately beyond its territory. What do you think?

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