Students of Spiritual Science Symposium

Saturday & Sunday 6-7th July 2024

2nd Annual Symposium 2024:
Visions of a New Paradigm

Over two days, the Students of Spiritual Science Symposium will showcase the work of the next generation of spiritual science students and practitioners.

The Symposium is envisioned to be a creative force for education, learning and transformative change, comprising academic paper presentations and panel discussions, workshops and experiential practices, and creative offerings of music, poetry and art. The wide range of offerings available during the Symposium aims to reflect the many ways that science and spirituality can come together in harmonious and inspirational ways, to spark creative, heart-centred conversation and practical action in relation to the uncertain times we live in. Specifically, the Symposium aims to show how similar insights can be reached through different avenues of exploration that honour spiritual, scientific and artistic enterprises; uniting heart and head.

The Symposium aims to create community and build bridges between different ways of knowing. It is in this spirit that we invite you to register to attend the Symposium.

Please note that the entire event is being recorded, so if you register, you will have access to the entire programme of talks to enjoy in your own time!

Post-event: if you purchased a ticket and wish to watch the recordings, check your email! If you somehow did not receive an email, please reach out to us at [email protected]

If you did not purchase a ticket and wish to watch the 2024 Symposium, sign up for our newsletter and stay tuned shortly! We are creating a membership system on this website for supporters to view the videos in a more convenient way, with more to come!

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Students of Spiritual Science 2024 Invitation Video