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Don’t Miss the Students of Spiritual Science Online Symposium!

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Only Two Weeks To Go!

Get your ticket to the online
Students of Spiritual Science Symposium Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th July 2024

Further to the overwhelming success of last year’s event, the New Paradigm Navigators (NPN) Students of Spiritual Science Symposium is returning. The Symposium is taking place over the weekend of Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th July, and this year’s theme is ‘Visions of a New Paradigm‘. Meet some of the presenters by checking out the video below:

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The Symposium will showcase the work/research of the next generation of spiritual science students and practitioners. The event is envisioned to be a creative force for education, learning and transformative change, comprising academic paper presentations and panel discussions, workshops and experiential practices, and creative offerings of music, poetry and art. The wide range of offerings available during the Symposium aims to reflect the many ways that science and spirituality can come together in harmonious and inspirational ways, to spark creative, heart-centred conversation and practical action in relation to the uncertain times we live in. Specifically, the Symposium aims to show how similar insights can be reached through different avenues of exploration that honour spiritual, scientific and artistic enterprises; uniting heart and head. In this sense, the Symposium aims to create community and build bridges between different ways of knowing.

Click on the button below to see all the presenter bios, programme for the weekend, and much more!

Ticket prices are tiered (£5, £10, £15), with all funds going straight to the New Paradigm Navigators project. With each ticket purchased, you will be supporting the NPN project flourish and thrive into the future.  

Hope to see you at the Symposium!

Thank you so much for your interest and support!

The NPN Core Team

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